About Us

PD Avengers cofounders Larry Gifford, Tim Hague Sr., Soania Mathur MD

PD Avengers is a patient-led organization, united in the purpose of ending Parkinson's disease. We raise awareness, engagement and hope. We add urgency to the cause of ending Parkinson’s disease.

Think Globally, Act Locally

For PD Avengers, a "Think Global, Act Local" philosophy reflects our belief that change starts with individual action but grows through collective effort. It's how PD Avengers is building a future without Parkinson's, one community at a time.

Think Globally: PD Avengers recognizes that Parkinson's disease is a global challenge that requires a unified vision. We collaborate with international partners, governments, and organizations, and align with the global PD community to create a concerted effort. By thinking globally, we ensure that our mission resonates across borders, cultures, and systems, encompassing the shared human experience of Parkinson's.

Act Locally: While our vision is global, our actions are deeply rooted in local communities. We empower our members to take specific, meaningful actions within their neighborhoods, cities, and regions. From advocacy and awareness campaigns to supporting local PD initiatives, our members become catalysts for change in their own backyards. This local focus allows for personalized engagement and ensures that our global mission translates into tangible, real-world impact.

This philosophy is more than a methodology; it's a reflection of our belief that change starts with individual action but grows through collective effort. It's how PD Avengers is building a future without Parkinson's, one community at a time.

More than a clever moniker, PD Avengers is a unifying force, adding urgency to research,
wellness, and advocacy by aligning people and organizations worldwide to their shared goal: ending Parkinson’s.

In May 2021, Larry Gifford, Soania Mathur, MD and Tim Hague Sr, incorporated the coalition as a society in British Columbia, Canada, under the name Global Alliance to End Parkinson's Disease Assn. All members of the alliance are PD Avengers.

Our influence grows with our membership, extending to international bodies and reaching into often overlooked territories.

PD Avengers stands as a catalyst of change by unifying a global community, representing those affected by this condition at key forums, and fostering urgency and collaboration for change in the landscape of this significant health challenge.

Origin Story

PD Avengers: A Unified Force for Change

Driven by the frustration over 200 years of stagnated progress and guided by the wisdom within the book, "Ending Parkinson’s Disease; A Prescription for Action“ (Hachette Book Group, March 2020) by esteemed experts, a group of leaders, many living with Parkinson's, found themselves irresistibly drawn together.

Our first gathering consisted of twelve determined individuals, grappling with the enormous task ahead. Amidst the seriousness, humor and camaraderie emerged. A playful comparison to cartoon superheroes led to a name being coined: “PD Avengers." It stuck, and a movement was born.